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To provide a more detailed overview of advantages for clients cooperating with our company, we state below two very simplified examples of the services provided. We have chosen services for a medium company, which plans higher investments for its development, and for a bank providing external funding of such investment, to be the model services.

It needs to be emphasized that the Code of Conduct of First Advantage does not permit the conflict of interests. Thus, in one business transaction, it is not possible to be both on the side of a business and on the side of a bank, that is, to represent two clients with different interests in one business transaction.

First Advantage offers an arbitrary combination of the services stated. Our help provided to a client may consist in the provision of an only service stated below or, on the contrary, in a complex of services going throughout the life cycle of a project.

First Advantage services for clients who demand for money and financial services


Project phase
(possible scenario, simplified)

First Advantage services for clients who provide money

Example: medium-size COMPANY planning a big investment

Example: BANK offering external investment funding

  1. Branch market analysis
  2. Industrial business relationships study
  3. Industrial technical study
  4. Preliminary feasibility study
  5. Preliminary study of funding

Project initiation and specification

A problem which is to be resolved by the project is identified, ideas of what the project solution is to achieve, until when and under what costs are formulated




  1. Business feasibility study(market analyses)
  2. Business risk analyses

Project verification – to be considered

  1. Commercial side of the project



  1. Technical feasibility study
  2. Technical risk analysis and proposal for corrective measures
  1. Technical side of the project



  1. Investment economic-financial feasibility study
  2. Preparation of principles for building a financial model or help with the building
  3. Investment intention rentability and feasibility analysis
  4. Financial risk analysis with proposals for corrective measures
  5. Cost and Value analysis
  1. Financial side of the project




  1. Funding plan including cash flows study
  2. Preparation or revision of a business plan prepared by the investor
  3. Preparation of a budget of the project
  4. Project assessment and exit strategies
  5. Identification of risky items of the budget and possibilities of reducing costs
  6. Project feasibility study
  7. Project implementation conditions study

Preparatory planning

A business plan of the company is prepared including impacts of the implementation of the project; goals of the project are specified; a procedure to achieve the set goals is created; requirements for securing the project with resources are set; a project team is established; the project team starts preparing the necessary implementation documentation (project documentation, time schedule, budget, etc.)



  1. Preparation of a Call for the submission of an offer for project funding
  2. Securing of external funding and negotiations in respect of the credit documentation

Financial Resources Securing

Demand for external funding of the project is implemented; conditions are negotiated and the credit documentation prepared


  1. Business risk analysis
  2. Assessment of the technical part of the project
  3. Technical study feasibility analysis
  4. Technical risk analysis and proposals for corrective emasures, monitoring of risks management
  5. Assessment of investment feasibility
  6. Economic-financial feasibility study
  7. Financial risk analysis with proposals for corrective measures
  8. Cost and Value analysis
  9. Assessment of project complexity
  10. Opponency to applicant’s business plan
  11. Preparation of an investment project risks plan
  12. Project feasibility study
  13. Project implementation conditions study

  1. Project cash flow management
  2. Financial resources drawing management
  3. Project financial controlling
  4. Cost management throughout the project
  5. Supervision over efficiency of the investment event
  6. Financial reporting
  7. Check of the fulfillment of economic-financial parameters of the investment
  8. Representation of the client in financial matters on all levels towards other parties to the project

Project implementation

  1. Project management is implemented by the project team


  1. Check of covenants and practical implementation (purposefulness)
  2. Check of purposefulness and efficiency of drawing on funds
  3. Project financial controlling
  4. Financial reporting
  1. Creation of a cost center
  2. Organization of the tender procedure for the general supplier (partial supplier), assessment and recommendation as the basis for investor’s decision
  3. Preparation of a package of type contracts for the investor
  4. Supply contracts controlling
  5. Supervision and consultancy in the area of arranging supplies
  6. Reporting of business contracts in the area of arranging supplies
  7. Implementation for tenders for supplies
  1. System of arranging supplies and sub-supplies is prepared and implemented; management of contracts, acceptance and claiming of supplies
  1. Controlling of selection procedures for suppliers and subcontractors
  2. Controlling of supply contracts
  3. Reporting of business contracts in the area of arranging supplies
  1. Analysis of justification of increased cost required by the general supplier and partial suppliers
  1. A complex of activities is implemented to secure the physical construction of the project, quality, change and risk management, keeping of record documentation, construction and technological supervision, takeovers, property management, etc.


  1.  Controlling and final reporting from the implementation of the work

Project handover

Project is handed over for use by the project team


  1. Control and final financial reporting from the implementation of the work

  1. Consulting services and corrective measures in a failure to fulfill the goals from the operation of the project

Project operation

The company operates the project

  1. Check activities to secure revenues on the project, payment of interest and interest principal
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